
copy of Rosemary Spanish Essential Oil

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Rosemary Spanish oil is a member of the Lamiaceae family. This oil has a strong, fresh, minty-herbaceous scent, accompanied by a woody-balsamic undertone and is classed as a middle note. Rosemary blends well with citrus, herby, minty and woodsy oils.

Rosemary contains antimicrobial, antioxidant and antiseptic properties. It is known to discourage hair loss, boost memory recall and reduce pain in muscles and joints.

Essential oils can be applied topically once diluted with a carrier oil. They are widely used in cosmetic goods and handmade crafts.

Never use pure oils on the skin without diluting, never use internally, keep away from children and eyes, always check if there are any medical issues which could cause a problem. Seek help if you have any doubts.

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